Peter Shawn-搜索结果

  • 百老汇浴缸 Bathtubs Over Broadway

    类型:喜剧片电影, 纪录片电影

    导演:达瓦·惠森南特   编剧:奥齐·英格安索, 达瓦·惠森南特

    主演:, 马丁·肖特, 奇塔·里维拉, 苏珊·史特罗曼, 弗洛伦斯·汉德森, Sheldon Harnick, Steve Young, 杰洛·比法, Don Bolles, Melody Rogers, Peter

      Once upon a time in the USA, Broadway and Business had a baby: the Corporate Musical. This is the story of one of Capitalism's strangest creations and the comedy writer obsessed with rescuing this hidden world from obscurity. With David Letterman, Martin Short, Susan Stroman, Jello Biafra and more.

  • 晚安诺玛,晚安米尔顿 Goodnight Norma... Goodnight Milton

    类型:喜剧片电影, 动画片电影, 短片电影

    导演:John Schnall   编剧:

    主演:Ilona Dulaski, Peter Shawn

      《晚安诺玛,晚安米尔顿 Goodnight Norma... Goodnight Milton》是名为 '避免目光接触 '的次等动画短片集中的众多影片之一。遗憾的是,这些短片中的大部分对我来说完全没有任何吸引力,因为我通常很喜欢这类合集--看过《动画秀》的所有DVD、《斯派克和迈克》的几张、《加拿大电影局动画片集》以及其他很多很多动画片。我真的很想喜欢它。庆幸的是,《晚安诺玛,晚安米尔顿 Goodnight Norma... Goodnight Milton》效果不错。虽然非常简单的动画并不出色,但故事内容和情感却很好!

      This is one of many films in a sub-par collection of animated shorts entitled 'Avoid Eye Contact: Volume One'. Most of these shorts did absolutely nothing for me and that's a real shame, as I usually love these sorts of compilations--having seen all three of The Animation Show DVDs, several Spike and Mike ones, collections of Canadian Film Board cartoons and many, many others. I really wanted to like this. Fortunately, GOOD NIGHT NORMA...GOODNIGHT MILTON worked and worked well. While the very simple animation wasn't great, the story and sensibilities were!
      The film begins with a couple waving goodbye to their house guests. Then, as the couple slowly undresses and readies for bed, the film gets WEIRD!!! The talk and talk about how they didn't like the couple who left (despite acting very chummy when the film started) and complained that the couple are so fake!! This hypocrisy is great, because as they whine about this couple and how they are jerks, Norma and Milton slowly begin revealing their own hypocrisy--in a very grisly way. However, it would truly spoil the film to say more, so I'll wrap it up by saying that the payoff was worth it. A nice and insightful picture.